
Cat Protection Council of Westchester

(914) 222-3705 (call or text)

P.O. Box 73

Maryknoll, NY 10545

The Cat Protection Council of Westchester is an all-volunteer organization. We don't have "office hours." If you leave us a message by phone, email, or text, one of our volunteers will get back to you as soon as possible. In your message, please include your name, address, daytime and evening phone numbers, and briefly explain why you are contacting us. Thank you!

Please don't hesitate to report animal cruelty ...

... even if you are unsure. And whenever possible, and it is safe to do so, document the incident with a cell phone camera.

For crimes in progress and emergencies, 

call 911, the Westchester Animal Cruelty Hotline (914-941-7797), or your local police precinct.

For other suspected animal cruelty or neglect, 

call the Westchester Animal Cruelty Hotline (914-941-7797)