Additional Reading

Managing Community Cats: A Guide for Municipal Leaders
Endorsed by the International City/County Management Association, this guide is designed for community officials and outlines humane and effective solutions for managing populations of community cats. Download your free copy here.
Implementing a Community Cat Trap-Neuter-Return Program
Feral cats are present in almost every community in North America, and managing them can be a challenge for municipalities and animal welfare organizations. Feral cats originate primarily from lost or abandoned pet cats who have not been sterilized. Left on their own, the cats and their offspring tend to live in groups known as colonies. When unaddressed, feral cats can create significant challenges to the animal welfare system and to the community at large. Every community is unique and faces its own challenges, and there is no “one size fits all” plan, but certain policies and procedures will greatly help a communitywide TNR program reach its goals. Ultimately, the goal is to get the cats sterilized and properly cared for in the most expeditious and cost-effective manner possible. To learn more, download your free copy of this guide here.

Community Cats and Public Health
The facts ...
Many animals, both wild and domesticated, can pass diseases to people. These are known as zoonotic diseases. Although we should be concerned about such diseases (like rabies, toxoplasmosis, and more ), there are some common myths about the public health risks associated with community cats. In most cases, a compassionate coexistence between cats and humans can be established—and knowing how to prevent zoonotic disease is the best medicine. Download your free copy of this handout here.
National Feline Research Council
The mission of the National Feline Research Council (NFRC) is to compile, analyze, and disseminate rigorous scientific research relevant to the efficient management of free-roaming cats.
Like all public policy, guidelines for the effective management of free-roaming cats (aka unowned, stray, or feral cats) must be based on sound science.
To this end, the NFRC supports evidence-based community cat policies that take into consideration a broad range of factors important to various stakeholders (e.g., effectiveness, public health, economic impact, public opinion, etc.).
Learn more at